One of our two Directors, Laura, has been working with a client in Scrooby, Nottinghamshire (famed for its link to the Pilgrim Fathers and their voyage on the Mayflower) for some time now on various private residential projects. The latest project gained outline planning permission in March 2023 for the construction of a single dwelling on the outskirts of the village.
Careful consideration was given to the location of the proposal to sit in harmony with its edge of village location, providing a seamless transition between the denser, more modern development to the north and the more extensive Sheepcote House and associated grounds to the south.
Laura successfully brought together a team of experts and worked proactively with Council officials to alleviate any concerns regarding access, ecology, heritage and tree protection.
The next challenge will be guiding her client through the design process in the hope of submitting a detailed reserved matters application in the near future.
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