Our areas of expertise
Airedon Planning and Design advises clients on all aspects of town planning, from promotion of long-term development opportunities, through to detailed project design and planning applications, certificates of lawful use, permitted development, avoiding enforcement action and seeking consent through Planning Appeals or Hearings.
Some of the areas of work we cover are set out below, but the list is not exhaustive, so please get in touch to see if we can assist.
Planning advice
- We provide site appraisals which will indicate what your building or land might be used for, or how best to try to get planning consent for what you want to develop
- Assistance with enforcement issues
- Pre-application discussions with local planning authorities
- Permitted development advice
Planning applications
- Preparation and submission of planning applications
- Planning statements
- Design and access statements
- Monitoring and negotiating submitted planning applications
- Review of conditions
- S106 agreements
- Consultation events
Site Promotion
- Preparation of submission documents to promote future development through the development plan system
- Submission to SHLAA/call for sites
- 5 year housing land assessments
- Expert witness for appeals, including specific urban design evidence
- Representation of client at Hearings
- Hearing and Appeal Statements
- Statements of Common Ground
- Appeal submission and monitoring
- Major residential developments
- Small-scale residential proposals
- House extensions
- Site searches for possible development opportunities
- Residential boundary treatment advice
- Exceptions sites
- Five year Housing Land Supply assessments
- Environmental Impact Assessment contribution and management
Retail and Leisure
- Sequential assessments
- Retail impact assessments – from a single store to major city centre redevelopment or out-of-centre retail park
- Advice on shopfronts and signage, particularly in conservation areas
- Change of use applications and permitted development advice
- Sui Generis uses
- New office, warehouse and factory development
- External storage proposals
- Extension of existing business premises
- Enforcement advice
- Permitted development opportunities
- Barn conversions
- Agricultural Workers Dwellings
- Horse related development
- Green Belt