£54m Land Release Fund announced
Some positive news this week from Central Government in the form of an announcement to unlock £54m of funding through the Land Release Fund to assist in bringing forward Council owned land for housing development. This will hopefully spark life into numerous...
In the Spotlight July 2017: Director insight into site promotion
We cannot believe we are at the end of July already! This month's In the Spotlight service has been site promotion. So far we have provided you with further information about what Airedon can offer you as landowners and developers, as well as details of a well-timed...
In the Spotlight July 2017: Site Promotion (Bradford Development News)
Airedon's "In the Spotlight" service for July 2017 is Site Promotion, which is perfectly timed as Bradford Council announce some exciting news. Bradford Council has announced that work will commence again on the preparation of their Allocations Development Plan...
THE MET CLUB: Doncaster Property and Construction Lunch
Airedon are extremely pleased to announce that one of our Director’s, Laura Fern, has taken on the role of South Yorkshire Regional Manager for The Met Club, a business networking organisation specialising in serving likeminded, influential and senior decision makers....
Business and industrial development – does it require planning permission?
Find out what you, as business and industrial property owners, can build without the need for planning permission! Click on the link below to open our simple guide to Permitted Development Rights for business and industrial properties. Business and Industrial...
Housing White Paper: Fixing our Broken Housing Market
At last, the long-awaited Housing White Paper was published by the Government yesterday. Airedon has put together a short summary note, which can be opened using the link below, of the key points arising from the Paper. Our note aims to draw out parts of the White...
Brownfield site in countryside allowed at Appeal
Sarah Worthington has just received confirmation that the appeal on behalf of Gleeson at Homelands Hospital near Crook has been allowed. Critical to the decision was the confirmation that the LPA could not demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply, despite contending...
Leeds success for Gleeson
At Leeds City Council Plans Panel meeting last Thursday, where numerous residential schemes were considered, Members resolved to approve the 270 dwelling scheme by Gleeson Homes and Regeneration on land at Tyersal Lane. Sarah and Laura have advised and assisted...