Sarah Worthington has just received confirmation that the appeal on behalf of Gleeson at Homelands Hospital near Crook has been allowed.
Critical to the decision was the confirmation that the LPA could not demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply, despite contending that there was one at the time of the appeal: providing a Statement of Common Ground from another appeal after the Homelands appeal was closed confirmed that this was the current position of the LPA.
This meant the appeal was considered in the context of the NPPF Paragraph 49 presumption in favour of sustainable development. The Inspector confirmed that, although the site lies in the open countryside in the adopted Local Plan, it benefited from convenient access to shops and services with a good bus route accessible from the site and would be a sustainable use of a brownfield site. The Inspector concluded that the design was acceptable and would not have an adverse impact upon the surroundings, and that the protected trees around the perimeter of the site would not be harmed by the proposals.
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