At Leeds City Council Plans Panel meeting last Thursday, where numerous residential schemes were considered, Members resolved to approve the 270 dwelling scheme by Gleeson Homes and Regeneration on land at Tyersal Lane.
Sarah and Laura have advised and assisted Gleeson regarding this proposed development for some time now. The original scheme was due to be heard at an Appeal Hearing on 10th May 2016 following the decision by Members to refuse the application on four grounds: affordable housing; green space provision; design; and landscape buffers. Gleeson are now working with the Council to ensure satisfactory conditions and a S106 are drafted in relation to the revised scheme, following which Gleeson will review their position with regards to the appeal.
The site has been challenging given that it effectively functions as part of Bradford rather than Leeds and is located in an area of deprivation, leading to viability issues for the Developer. Leeds City Council Officers acknowledged this and their presentation to the Plans Panel last week clearly reflected the situation giving Members the opportunity to make an informed decision based on the amendments made by the applicant.
Further updates shortly!
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