Airedon Planning and Design has submitted a new application on behalf of Gleeson Developments Ltd for a housing scheme on agricultural land in Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham.
This resubmission follows a previous refusal and dismissed appeal on the same site and seeks to address the Inspector’s concerns regarding the level of noise evidence presented at the Hearing.
A number of changes have been made to the proposal including moving the residential properties back from the boundary to ensure a sufficient gap exists to the industrial units, and reorientating the dwellings so that there are no living accommodation windows facing towards the noise source.
The Inspector indicated that the location of the site is sustainable and Gleeson are keen to bring the site forward for development. Hopefully the proactive changes that have been made to the scheme will alleviate the concerns raised, and the scheme can move forward and assist in bringing the District closer to achieving a 5-year housing land supply.
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